Disciples who make disciples
Planting churches that plant churches




  • Utah County, Utah is less than 1% evangelical Christian (0.49%).
  • This is by far the least-reached metro area in the US.
  • This part of Utah is considered to be an unreached peoples group.
  • Utah leads the nation in antidepressant use.
  • There are more than 11 different polygamist groups in Utah.
  • Utah is number one in the nation for online pornography sales.
  • The Wasatch front has a population of more than two million people.
  • Church planting is more challenging in Utah than almost anywhere in the US.

Source: The Association of Religion Data Archives | Los Angeles Times | CNBC | The Salt Lake Tribune | Wikipedia


The vigorous, continual planting of new congregations is the single most crucial strategy for the numerical growth of the Body of Christ in any city, and the continual corporate renewal and revival of the existing churches in a city. Nothing else–not crusades, outreach programs, para-church ministries, growing mega-churches, congregational consulting, nor church renewal processes–will have the consistent impact of dynamic, extensive church planting. This is an eyebrow raising statement. But to those who have done any study at all, it is not even controversial.

Tim Keller, “Why Plant Churches

Join a Church Planting Network

Utah has become a widely overlooked mission field by American churches. With fewer evangelical Christians per capita than most countries in the 10-40 window, Utah County, Utah (less than 1% evangelical) provides an unprecedented opportunity for the gospel! With so few evangelical Christians and a lack of local churches, there simply aren’t enough local resources to support any serious efforts to multiply churches. That’s why we are passionate about developing networks of 5-7 churches that partner together to help supply personnel, accountability, financial needs and encouragement that new churches need. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Utah is in great need of laborers, but how can they go unless they are sent (Romans 10:15)? Would your church consider joining a network that plants new churches in Utah? Please contact us right away to find out how to get started!

Join a Church Planting Team

According to Jesus, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37-38). We have been praying for God to supply teams of 20 or more people to be a part of each new church plant/missional community. This is not for the faint of heart! It may require you to leave homes, jobs and family, find new jobs, new homes and develop new family. Joining a Church Plant Team also requires a willingness to grow as a disciple of Jesus and love others selflessly. If God is calling you to take some risk and join a church planting team, contact us today!

Become a Church Planting Supporter

Some are called to pray, some are called to send and some are called to go. We’re looking for individuals, small groups and Sunday School classes to help send church planters/missionaries to Utah. You can get involved by sponsoring a missionary family’s health insurance or salary. If you, your small group or your Sunday School class would like to support missionaries in Utah, contact us today or visit our support page!

Become a Utah Church Planter

Are you a completely committed follower of Jesus? Does developing authentic life-long relationships come natural to you? Do you have a history of making disciples who make disciples? Are you financially responsible and keep minimal or no debt? Do you adapt easily to new cultures? Are you a risk taker? Have the ministries that you’ve led experienced substantial growth? If you’re interested in church planting and can say “yes” to these questions, contact us today!

Join the Plant Utah Prayer Team

The greatest movements that advance the gospel are always birthed out of prayer. Plant Utah needs your prayers! One of largest problems  facing church planters in Utah is the lack of workers. We need help! Jesus said that the remedy to this problem is prayer (Matthew 9:38). We’re asking you to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers to Utah! Join us in praying for God to equip and send teams of 20 or more people for each church plant. We also ask that you would pray for God to prepare the hearts of Utah’s people and pray for the spiritual health of our church planters, our team members and their families.

Apply for a Residency

Church planting is not an easy endeavor anywhere in the U.S. but because of Utah’s idiosyncratic cultural and religious climate, it is even more challenging here. We want to better equip potential church planters for the unique challenges that we face in Utah. Through this process we want to lengthen the runway for new churches, providing an opportunity for leaders to be better equipped through experiential, cultural and ministry experiences. Contact us today about applying for a church planting residency.

Apply for an Internship

We want to expose as many students as possible to this amazing mission field. If you are a student interested in experiencing a stateside, cross-cultural ministry internship, contact us today!

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